To be a complete sentence, a group of words must pass two tests:
1) It must have both a subject and a verb.
2) It must express a complete thought.
In a normal (declarative) sentence, the subject (usually a noun, pronoun, noun phrase, or noun clause) appears to the left of the verb (which expresses action, occurrence, or state of being).
You may have other parts to a sentence such as a direct object or object complement, but these parts are not always necessary to create a complete sentence. Normal (declarative) sentences usually fall under one of seven patterns:
- S-V: I talked.
- S-V-O: They studied the assignment .
- S-V-IO-DO: We gave him a coke .
- S-V- O-OC (N): They called him names.
- S-V-O-OC (Adj.): She thought the test easy.
- S-LV-C (N): The girl is a ninja .
- S-LV-C (Adj.): The girl seems acrobatic .
- S = Subject, V = Verb, O or DO = Direct Object, IO = Indirect Object, OC = Object
Complement, LV = Linking Verb, C = Complement, N = Noun, Adj. = Adjective.
You have two methods of testing a group of words to see if it is a complete sentence: the embedding frame and the tag question.
Sentence fragments are incomplete sentences or part of sentences.
Study the following examples of sentence fragments and how to correct them
1. Because of some students work part-time while taking a full load of courses.
Problem: This is a dependent clause
To correct: Because of some students work part-time while taking a full load of courses, they have very little free time.
2. For example, the increase in the cost of renting an apartment
Problem: There is no verb
To correct: For example, the increase in the cost of renting an apartment is rapid
To correct: For example, the increase in the cost of renting an apartment is rapid
3. Feeling lonely and failing most of his classes.
Problem: This is a participle phrase
To correct: He felt lonely and was failing most of his classes.Feeling lonely and failing most of his classes, the student wisely decided to make an appointment with his counselor
Problem: This is a participle phrase
To correct: He felt lonely and was failing most of his classes.Feeling lonely and failing most of his classes, the student wisely decided to make an appointment with his counselor
4. Many young people who leave home at an early age
Problem: The independent clause is unfinished
To correct: Many young people leave home at an early age.Many young people who leave home at an early age do not manage their money well.
Problem: The independent clause is unfinished
To correct: Many young people leave home at an early age.Many young people who leave home at an early age do not manage their money well.
be continued
Could you tell me the meaning of "to fall under",Sir? I guess that "to fall under" means "to list", does not it?
Co phai bai hat nay o trang web: http://data.yeu ca ?
Ban phai viet lien
Co nhung cai rat chi la rieng tu cua mot nguoi, xin dung post len blog chung. Cam on.
You're right. Thanks
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