Saturday, May 10, 2008



It's a privilege to be a mother. Motherhood is the greatest blessing any woman can be blessed with. Motherhood is a symbol of love, kindness and forgiveness. A mother's touch is the first human touch in a child's life. A mother's heart is filled with a never-exhausting love for her children. She lives and dies for them.

A mother is the most beautiful woman in the child's eyes. It is a mother's love, pure and unadulterated, which nourishes a child and helps him to see and understand the cruel and the harsh world where he is destined to spend the rest of his life. Only a mother knows how it feels to be a mother.

Mothers shoulder a huge responsibility of instilling the good and the bad in her child's heart. Being a mother is tough. A mother's every action and word is under the deepest scrutiny and therefore she is always over cautious of her conduct. Whether you are a single mother or an ideal mother trying to be a role model for your child, you can benefit from the parenting tips given in the subsequent sections. Here we unleash the secrets of being an ideal mom.



Composer: Phạm Thế Mỹ

Lyrics: Nhất Hạnh
English translation: Nguyen Hong Anh

A rose for you
A rose for me
And a rose for those whose mothers are alive
How happy they are!

Unfortunately, the beloved mother passes way
Like a flower without the sunshine
Like a child without the smile
Adulthood seems to be stopped
Like the sky without stars.

The mother seems to be a gentle stream
The mother seems to be an immortal song
The shade of life, the moon and the torch
When the way is lost

The mother appears to be as sweet as the sugar cane.
The mother seems to be a hand of bananas,
a bunch of areca nuts, the chirp of the cricket in a deep night,
The warm sunshine over the mulberry field, and the love for life.

Then you come back home one afternoon
looking at your beloved mom for a long time
and saying, “Mom! Do you know?”. “What’s up?”
“Do you know I love you so much?”

A red rose has just been pinned on your shirts.
So, you are the happiest in the world.

Nhạc sĩ : Phạm Thế Mỹ
Lời: Nhất Hạnh

Một bông Hồng cho em

Một bông Hồng cho anh

Và một bông Hồng cho những ai

Cho những ai đang còn Mẹ

Đang còn Mẹ để lòng vui sướng hơn

Rủi mai này Mẹ hiền có mất đi

Như đóa hoa không mặt trời

Như trẻ thơ không nụ cười

ngỡ đời mình không lớn khôn thêm

Như bầu trời thiếu ánh sao đêm

Mẹ, Mẹ là giòng suối dịu hiền

Mẹ, Mẹ là bài hát thần tiên

Là bóng mát trên cao

Là mắt sáng trăng sao

Là ánh đuốc trong đêm khi lạc lối

Mẹ, Mẹ là lọn mía ngọt ngào

Mẹ, Mẹ là nải chuối buồng cau

Là tiếng dế đêm thâu

Là nắng ấm nương dâu

Là vốn liếng yêu thương cho cuộc đời

Rồi một chiều nào đó anh về

nhìn Mẹ yêu, nhìn thật lâu

Rồi nói, nói với Mẹ rằng

"Mẹ ơi, Mẹ ơi, Mẹ có biết hay không ?"

-Biết gì ? "Biết là, biết là con thương Mẹ không ?"

Đóa hoa màu hồng vừa cài lên áo đó anh

Đóa hoa màu hồng vừa cài lên áo đó em

Thì xin anh, thì xin em

Hãy cùng tôi vui sướng đi.


  1. There is not the day of the year that you are not specail to me Mom...

    Hik. Can u translate it into Vietnamese , Sir>? Thanks(sao mot cau muh co toi 2 phu dinh zay Thay ?)

    I miss ur voice. Hum nao Thay hat bai do nghen Thay

  2. Hi teacher,
    I've just created new blog. Do you want to take a look at my blog?

    I think translation a song is not easy because you need understand that song, not only the meaning but also the feeling about that song, and I think this is really a great translation.

    By the way, I know one site where you can find many great English songs with Vietnamese translations.Why don't you join it and translate something?

    @becon: Hi, be friend?

  3. Thank you for your comment. I also have a lot of translation, but i haven't Publish yet. Give you one.

  4. "Trong hang van dieu uoc tren doi, co dieu uoc nao con danh cho me khong?"

    (srr,luc ni Becon chi bit dung tieng Viet thui ah :(( )

  5. Thanks, a nice translation! One day, i will call to my Mom and sing that song in English, hihi....

  6. I have loved this song for so long, I used to wish to sing this song by english for my mum, but I could not. Now you translated it, what a great thing!
    I like your translation. I hope I will be heard you sing this song by english one day, and I will learn from that to sing for my mum. Thanks.
