Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Listen and download mp3

The reading text is in the listening book.


  1. Dear teacher!
    Could you tell me the way to keep a diary in English? I always have problems in using the tenses. For example in Vietnamese: " Hom nay minh tinh co gap lai anh ay tren duong di cong tac". In English I write " Today I happened upon him when I was going out for business"
    "TODAY" go with "SIMPLE PAST" is OK???
    Please explain it to me. Thanks a lot.

  2. We use "past tenses" to write our diary.

  3. hì. Many people said that writing English diary can help people to improve English and try to express their ideas by English.Therefor we should make a English diary. Is it right? :)

  4. How can i know if the way i have writen my dairy is right or not?
    Should i sent my dairy to you to corect, teacher?:))

  5. hahahaah.oh my Buddha! It is the first time I heard somebody send diary to someone for correcting their diary. Do u believe in our teacher? [say"Yes" di de teacher ko bat nat Becon.hihi]

  6. It's very hard to say something.Sometimes a diary can speak for that person....????

  7. dear teacher!
    when do we use "learn and study"?

  8. how can i take tapescrip for "A207"?

  9. YES, i believe in our teacher.
    However, does our teacher dare to read my dairy? :)))

  10. Oh my Buddha! Stars war.

  11. i i co ai lay ban quyen"Oh my Buddha!" cua Becon zay kia? hik...
    I guessed u want to tell him sth but it is very difficult to face to face.Is it right?

  12. Muon mot chut nhe Becon, muon keu nhung khong biet keu ai cho vua, thoi danh keu troi vay. Minh khong phai la nguoi viet dairy dau, chi la mot ke thang thay chuyen nguoi ta ma "xia dzo thoi" hihihi.

  13. Life is a stream of unanswered queries.

  14. NO,i just want to listen sth from him. For example: take ur dairy away, pls. i'm scared of you.

  15. Sorry everybody.

    I have just come back to HCMC from my hometown, so i could not answer or post new entries.

    I think writing diary is one of the good ways to improve your Eng. However, there are some unrevealed secret in our lives. However, you can let others read yours if is useful and necessary for others. There are a lot of diaries published. Therefore, i can correct yours about daily life, but you should send e-mals to me, and remember to send what you can share with others.

  16. haha. hehe.hihi...
    Yeah, you are always a careful man,Sir! And...maybe you can post hot entry about ur trip. And... have u got spcial food(dac san?)for me? hhihi

    @S.one:According to our teacher's comment, why did not u create a daily English blog to send to him. I think it is easier than send e mail to him everyday...
    Is it right,teacher?

  17. Thank you for your initiative, but ur two ways are not available, bcs i have written any dairy yet.
    I might do it tomorrow.:D

  18. Hello teacher! I can speak English fluently but my writing skill is not good.Because I often make a little mistakes. However, It is not serious I am not confident about my English.Would you give me some experiences to improve my writing skill better?
    I think that I am a patient person and I determine to master English. So , you don't hesitate to show many ways. I know that " No pain no gain "

  19. You do not tell me what kinds of writing you need because every type has its own way to write: a report, a formal or informal letter, a paragraph or an essay ....

  20. Help me, Sir!!! I need write a romantic love letter,but I do not know how to make it. hihi...

  21. dear teacher!
    when do we use "road and street"?
    "oversupply and over-supply" the meaning of these words are the same?

  22. Oh my god,lot of interesting thing in ur blog...It's been along time I couldn't come into ur blog...

    I had Becon sent me ur blog through email...so now,I can enjoy it...Maybe My IP address can't connect directly to ur blog...

    Miss u so much,sir...Hue is so cold

  23. Dear teacher!
    Could you please post some conversations (which I can download to hear them). I'd like to practice them.
    Thanks a lot!

  24. hello teacher,
    "Im not unhappy because there is no you". Is this sentence ok, teacher?
